Monday, July 23, 2007

I love summer, grilling and gardening......

For those of you who know me very well, you know that I don't cook. I CAN, I just DON'T because David has completely spoiled me by doing all of the cooking. You may also know that I like to eat........ (comes as no big surprise to most of you!!) And in the summertime, there is no better meal than the one cooked on the grill and accompanied by the 'fruit of the garden'.

Now, you may or may not know that each spring my intentions are good and I plant a garden. For the past few years though, that garden has gotten smaller and smaller because David won't till the space for me. That's because I've demonstrated over the past few years that I'm not very good at tending the crop. I have good intentions, but my follow-through isn't so great and the garden suffers greatly by the time the spring rain stops and the summer heat turns up. (There's probably some sort of spiritual lesson here, but my mind is on physical food right now!)

We've found a solution. We now belong to something wonderful called a 'Produce Co-op' in which David pays a sum of money at the beginning of the summer season and each week thereafter brings home a VERY large rubbermaid tote full of produce. So far this summer we've enjoyed rhubarb (actually I threw that away when it became obvious that I was the only one who would eat it and didn't want to spend the time cooking it), beets (yummy), turnips (yummy), kolrahbi (???? - it went the way of the rhubarb), green beans (yummy), tomatoes (yummy), lettuce, lettuce, and more lettuce (yummy), broccoli and cauliflower (yummy)....... Not to mention the fresh eggs (remind me sometime to tell you how we get scrambled eggs - Caleb's version) and the future vegetables that will come throughout the remainder of the summer.

I mentioned that I DON'T cook, but I CAN! And yesterday, I cooked or maybe should say prepared food. Fresh greenbeans with onion and new potatoes (also included in the produce share), broccoli and caulifower (they were small heads that I promptly ate because it was SO good and no one else was around), fresh tomatoes, coleslaw made with homegrown cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes (not the grocery store variety mind you), sweet corn, beets..... David threw some pork burgers on the grill and we had ourselves a swell supper.

Have I mentioned that I love summer???

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What IS it that smell????

We used to have a cat - it died. His name was Bullwinkle and he was long-haired and white - positively beautiful and absolutely rotten. His alter-ego was Garfield. He would sit on the deck rail and pretend that he was a great hunter, but we knew he was too lazy to make a move let alone actually stalk something. He did manage to catch the occasional mouse, and leave it's dead body in the garage floor for me to find. In fact, he was usually sitting near by with a smirk on his fat little face. I loved Bullwinkle. He ventured out to the road.... ;( (Sadness - Tears)

Bullwinkle grew up with the dog - Rocky our black lab. The two of them grew up together, and they had an identity crisis. Neither one ever really knew if they were cat or dog - Honestly! The cat would chase after us like the dog, and the dog would actually stalk rabbits, birds, etc. like a cat. They were NOT right, but they loved one another and it was hilarious to see them together. Rocky too, is gone but we're not sure what happened to him ;( (Sadness - Tears)

We were sitting on the deck a couple of weeks ago (Boyer's were there too!) and I mentioned that I'd like to have another cat. In fact, I'd take two if necessary just to get one. In about two minutes (no joke), we heard a noise in the woods and David went to investigate. Lo and behold, there were two stray kittens coming up from the woods. I think they'd been dumped by someone in the cemetary behind the Baptist church. At any rate, they were hungry and VERY scared, shy, and timid. It took several days for us to get one of them to let us touch him (oops, I should say 'her') and now she's our best friend. (Note to self - take that cat to the vet.) The other kitten was (notice I said WAS) a calico and she never let us get close - let alone physical contact.

I was on the front porch Sunday afternoon and thought to myself - something just doesn't seem right. We'd been missing Calico kitty for a day or so, and I detected a faint odor.

(NEWS BULLETIN: Missing Kitty - FOUND - under front porch - no collar - smelly). EEeeeewwww!

Thank God for lots of rain - because we can't get to 'it' without tearing up the porch.

Saturday, July 14, 2007