Wednesday, June 27, 2007

She spoke and spoke and spoke......

Missy and Kathy have both posted about the conference and had very wise words of wisdom to impart. I, on the other hand, feel compelled to mention that we heard SO much that by Sunday afternoon, I didn't think my brain could hold much more. And because 'life' has happened since returning, I've not yet had the opportunity to go through my binder and review all of the good things. I plan to do that real soon though!

It was a great conference, and as we sat around Saturday evening discussing different things we wondered if any of us would return next year. We decided that we really can't say at this point in time - we'll wait to see what God has in store......... 'cause ya know what? He's always up to something - so get ready for the ride!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

She speaks and writes and leads........

I'm going to the Proverbs 31 Ministry 'She Speaks' conference this weekend with my dear friend Sara! It should be an interesting weekend since we're going to learn more about starting a women's ministry - something that's been on our heart's for a LONG time.

Isn't it interesting how God works in our lives sometimes? (Who am I kidding - God is ALWAYS working in our lives - it's just that we limit Him to sometimes!) Anyway, for a very long time - probably close to a year now, I've talked about wanting to start a bible study, small group, sunday school class or something for women. I've never really figured out what it's supposed to look like or how it's supposed to work but 'talked' about it for so long that just recently Sara said to me - You need to just quit talking about it and get busy doing it. She says it like it is....... Thanks Sara!!

I'm reading a book called 'Leading Women to the Heart of God' by Lysa Terkuerst which is also the same thing that this conference is about this weekend. It talks about various ways to reach women not only within the community of our church, but also without - outside the brick and mortar of the building.

And then I get a call the other day from Missy asking if I'd be interested in working with her and a few other women to start some kind of class for women and holding it in a neutral location - someplace other than the church building.

Isn't it interesting how God works everything according to His timing!

So, I've said ALL of that to say - please pray for Sara and me this weekend (and Kathy and Missy as well since they're going to the same conference) as we seek God's guidance and direction. I think it's very interesting to see how God works and uses the events in our lives to bring us to the point where He'll use us. I don't know exactly what this WM is going to look like, but I'm VERY excited to see how God is going to put it all together and use us to accomplish His plan.

Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Do I have friends or what?

I found this picture while going through some things recently. I just wanted everyone to know who my friends are..........

You might not recognize EVERYone in the picture, but it shouldn't be too difficult. They'll all have some very creative reasons as to why we were dressed so lovely, as well as differing opinions of the events that occurred later but I think we'd all agree the police were involved!!! (Of course, I may not have ANY friends now!) Sorry Girls, but I was just SO proud, my buttons were poppin' off - wait maybe it was something else causin' the buttons to pop.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Being a Mom

Being a mom is the toughest job on earth and I'm sure there are other mothers who would agree whole-heartedly. During the past few weeks, one of my beloved youngsters has 'left the nest' so to speak (another bird reference - see previous posts) despite the fact that his parents know that he's not fully ready to fly. There are other influences on his life now, and it has big dark eyes, and a lovely smile! I pray each day that God will protect him from physical harm and help him to make good choices and right decisions. I have prayed many times that God would humble me and during these past few weeks, He's done just that - provide a healthy dose of humility. While raising this particular youngster, I always thought that he'd grow up to do what I wanted him to do and I was sure he'd never stray too far. However, I' ve suddenly realized that he is a very unique individual who no longer wants to do what I want him to do, and he's totally and completely in God's hands. And so I give him to God each day (since He already had him) - with open palms facing upward as if to free him from my grasp. And then I pray that God will give him a swift kick in the tail feathers while protecting him from falling. (It's a control thing and I'm working on it.)