Wednesday, June 27, 2007

She spoke and spoke and spoke......

Missy and Kathy have both posted about the conference and had very wise words of wisdom to impart. I, on the other hand, feel compelled to mention that we heard SO much that by Sunday afternoon, I didn't think my brain could hold much more. And because 'life' has happened since returning, I've not yet had the opportunity to go through my binder and review all of the good things. I plan to do that real soon though!

It was a great conference, and as we sat around Saturday evening discussing different things we wondered if any of us would return next year. We decided that we really can't say at this point in time - we'll wait to see what God has in store......... 'cause ya know what? He's always up to something - so get ready for the ride!!!


Kathy said...

Love the title!...wait a minute. Is that a hint?! :-)

Melissa Milbourn said...

Do you care if I share the story on my blog about your discussion with Jason Catron??? :-) Because that's one of my favorite memories from She Speaks!