Monday, October 27, 2008

This Lovely Young Lady...

.... happens to be my new Daughter-in-Law.... !

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What a Beautiful Weekend

I don't have many pictures yet.... actually, it's amazing that we have ANY pictures yet. But thanks to technology, we do have a few already!! I was excited! I'll post some more later, but for now....... 'The Kiss' and 'The Departure'....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Post #2 - Brings a little tear to my eye.......

Let me introduce you to my son Nate and his new wife Ruthie. Well, they're not exactly married yet, but they will be in about 3 days...... on Saturday at 4:00 CST. I've decided I'm going to make myself cry starting tomorrow (Thursday) and not stop until Friday so that by the time Saturday rolls around, there'll be no more tears left in my body and I can hopefully keep my composure. I can't believe my 'little boy' is getting married. It doesn't seem possible, and I cannot seem to figure out where the time has gone.

I hope someday that I can have a picture similar to this one, of them when they're about 80 sitting on a bench watching their grand children play in the yard!!

Next week, I'll post some more pictures of the wedding!

QEII (Random Post #1 - See today's earlier post)

I mentioned in my post on October 13 in my list of 'six interesting things that you might not know about me' that I am completely fascinated by the Royal Family. So I was searching (or should I say surfing) the internet today and came across this picture of Queen Elizabeth II. And I just couldn't resist posting a picture (I hope I don't get in trouble for this - are there royalties or anything associated with these things?? No Pun intended!!! HAHA)


I just think this is the prettiest picture. Check out the tiara....... beautiful!! Someday, if I ever make it to Great Britain, maybe I'll get to see her.

My next two posts - Complete Randomness, and yet not really!

OK - so my next two posts will be completely unrelated to one another. The first one will be SO irrelevant that you'll probably just wonder 'where did she come up with that one?' But the next one will be SO relevant to my life right now that it might even bring a little tear to your eye..... at least it does to mine.

Post number one - the irrelevant post - coming up next.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Did you know..........?

My neice (Lynsey) tagged me on this in her blog, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Six interesting facts that you may not know about me.......
  1. I love to take pictures of flowers, spiders, bugs, leaves, sunsets, sunrises, the moon, anything that is unusual. I’m not very good yet, but hope to take a photography class soon to improve my skills. I can take 10 pictures of the same garden spider sitting in his web outside my window, or 7 pictures of a rose from the bush in our yard that produced MORE THAN 80 blooms this summer!
  2. I love to camp, although we don’t very often – in fact we haven’t been camping in a couple of years. But there’s just something fun about sleeping in a tent, and hearing all the night-time noises in the woods – bugs, crickets, owls, etc. However, I find that as I get older, my poor old bones don’t like sleeping on the ground so much anymore and that’s why IF and WHEN we camp, we take along this really big air mattress!!!
  3. I am fascinated by Princess Diana (even though she is gone), and the Royal Family. I love to read the history about the Royals. I’ve just recently been reading about Henry VIII and all of his wives, mistresses, and the way he ‘put them aside’ to satisfy his whims.
  4. I love liver and onions............ liver that is literally smothered in onions......... but only the way my Mom fixes it. I would never order this at a restaurant or eat liver that wasn't fixed by my Mom. I feel the same way about meatloaf (I generally only eat meatloaf that I've made myself) and fried chicken. I will eat fried chicken that someone else has fixed, but I'm partial to the way my Mom fixes it. Now I've gone and myself hungry, and it's only 10:30 in the morning.
  5. I love to fish. I CAN bait my own hook, but my wonderful adoring husband usually does that for me. I CAN take them off the hook too, but he does that for me too. He’s so good to me……. I went deep-sea fishing this summer on our vacation to Dauphin Island on a ½ day trip. The captain was talking about a 3-day trip that they were leaving on later that afternoon. They were traveling all night to get to the fishing spot, and they talked about the gorgeous blue water, the various types of fish, etc. And I was ‘hooked’ – no pun intended. That is my next goal……….. a 3-day deep-sea fishing trip with husband. How soon can I make that happen???? Hmmmmmmmm……..
  6. Lynsey talked about her pearl ring that she wears that was given to her by her grandma (my Mom) that she received from Lynsey’s grandpa (my Dad) when she was pregnant with Lynsey’s Dad (my brother). I like to wear a jade ring that my grandpa gave to my grandma when she was pregnant with my Dad!! It must be a tradition.....

I'd love to read something interesting about you that others may not know. Care to give it a whirl???

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I love these kids!!! I love that when storm clouds gather, God does miraculous things if we're obedient! God does miraculous things even when we're NOT obedient, but when we obey Him and see the results of that obedience, it is quite humbling!!