I can almost guarantee that if you commit to going on this journey, you will not regret the time that you spend. (If you'd like to know more, please ask me. There are weekends planned for March!!!)
Now that I've tried to explain this - sort of - I would like to tell you about an interesting talk that I heard this past weekend while I worked the Great Banquet. I can’t give the entire scope of the talk here without referring to my notes, but the speaker made a very good point.
*** When things seem to be spiralling out of control, ‘DON’T PANIC’. Don't lose sight of God, and fall into Satan's trap. ***
I’ve decided to make that my new motto – DON’T PANIC. Because I tend to do just that – PANIC – when things begin to go wrong and I feel like I'm losing control. Aren't we all like that to some degree?
We feel like we’re sinking, gasping for air, falling out of control….. it’s a very scary feeling, and so we fall into ‘human-mode’ and PANIC. The rush of air that we feel is the rest of the world causing a whirlwind around us. What we should do is reach for God’s Hand that is safely wrapped around us and take comfort in the fact that we are safe and secure in His Hand.
Consider some 'greats' from the Bible........
- Noah didn't panic - he built an ark.
- Moses didn't panic - he delivered God's people from the bondage of slavery.
- David didn't panic - he faced (and killed!) a giant.
- Daniel didn't panic - he prayed to his God (and lived to tell about it!!)
- Saul/Paul didn't panic - he preached God's word far and wide.
- Jesus didn't panic - he died for you and me.