Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Prayer

Dear God – I pray that you will guide our country today. At the end of this election day, I pray that the leaders that you want and need in place are right where you want them to be. I pray that you would protect them from Satan, and I pray that you would create in them, the desire to look to you for guidance and direction. I thank you Dear God for allowing us to live in a country in which we can vote freely for our leaders, and speak openly about our hopes and dreams for the future. I thank you for the right to worship freely and openly, and pray that you would enable me to be bolder and more convicted in my faith and in sharing it with others. Bless this country today, God and at the end of the day, let all that we’ve said and done glorify You.

In Your name I pray, Amen.


Denny said...

Amen, Sister!
Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Denny stole my line :) I'll say it anyway! Amen Sista!

Bethany :)