Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In The Beginning, God created . . .

". . . And God said, "Let there be lights. Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them mark off the seasons, days, and years. Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth.” And that is what happened. God made two great lights—the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set these lights in the sky to light the earth, to govern the day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And evening passed and morning came, marking the fourth day. " Genesis 1:14-19

Last night David called me on his way home from town to tell me look out at the moon as it was just coming up. I stepped out on the back deck to see an absolutely gorgeous, orange, full moon shining through the trees. I stepped out again later and it was coming over the the tree tops - full, bright and incredibly beautiful. At midnight, I woke up and noticed how bright the bedroom was, so I decided to step out the front door. As I stood there in the crisp cold air, it was so peaceful and quiet, and I marveled at the beauty of God's beatiful handiwork!

And He did it just because He loves us! Thank you God!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

And when I got up this morning at 5:45, there it was again in the western sky, orangy and beautiful! :-)