Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Complete Randomness......

Randomness - is that a word? Anyway, here is a list of random things that are going through my mind right now:

1. I'm reading through the One Year Chronological Bible this year, and when I read Missy's blog this morning about Chronicles, I had to laugh because last night I laid in bed and read a list of begats and begots that I think was in Chronicles but I'm not sure because I didn't really want to read it, so I skimmed right through it, and read the next day. Now I'm ahead - but that won't last long!

2. It is very cold today.

3. We're going to the ISU basketball game this evening - GO SYCAMORES!!

4. The cold weather makes my joints hurt.

5. Only 11 weeks until SPRING BREAK...... warmth, sunshine, sand in my toes, salt spray on my face... aaahhhhhhh - is it time yet?


Kathy said...

How are you liking the Chronological Bible? I intend to get one of those in the future.

Paula said...

I LOVE my chronological bible, although I have to say that right now I'm a little bit bored with it. Only because I just finished a study called 'The Patriarch's' by Beth Moore and it was all about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so I've been ALL over the book of Genesis - backwards and forwards and that's after we read Genesis for John's sermon series last fall, and I'm really, really tired of Genesis. Is that sacreligious??

Get me out of Egypt (where Genesis ends and onto 'wandering' in the dessert.....) Do I mean that???

Lynsey Grant said...

11 weeks?!? My spring break is in 6 weeks! i don't think it will be to warm and "springy" yet...

Lynsey Grant said...

Welp, I guess it's time to delete this blog from my "favorites" list....since its NEVER updated!!!!!!!